Type A Blood: Full Diet Guide

I am married to an A+.

He likes to brag that he has always been proud of his #blood type. He says something like I have the best blood type. I’m an A. Plus.

Bully for you, dude.

Actually, it’s some of that peacock swagger that still makes him irresistible to me.


Type A blood is slightly newer than the old

Type O Blood: Full Diet Guide

It appears that you all are finding the Blood Type Diet as fascinating as I am.

It is certainly reframing some of my #nutrition principles. It makes sense, though, right?

Some people feel great on #Paleo, or #Keto, or #Carnivore. Some people love the flexibility and #balance of Weight Watchers or the like. And some really, truly

28 Day Reset Results Are In!

We finished our January Reset on Super Bowl Monday. And while the Chiefs are pretty awesome, I have to say that my Resetters are champs, too.

These ladies pushed past the first rough couple of days to achieve pretty amazing results. I am so proud of their hard work, their creativity, their thirst for knowledge, and the way they encouraged their fellow Resetters.

The 28 Day Reset it a

The Blood Typing Diet

Always one for weird and exciting dietary changes, I’ve been exploring the Blood Type Diet. I’ve been taking a class on the #metabolic processes of the body- how fats affect the cells, how specific nutrients will either build up or tear down the #body, how #digestion affects everything, and how the pH of the body can tell us a ton about what is

Your diet is gorgeous.

Local, in-season veggies, bursting with #phytochemicals and #antioxidants. Pastured, grass-fed #meats that were called by name just last week. Juicy #fruits pulled from a tree in your very backyard.

Diet? It’s on point.

Why, then, do you still feel so #horrible?

Why are you