(original post 6/26/2020; updated 7/30/2022)

We are essentially salty people.

We cry salt, we sweat salt, and the #cells in our body are bathed in salty fluids. Without #salt we would not be able to live.

So says Dr. James DiNicolantonio in his book The Salt Fix.

Do you like the taste of salt? Do you

Need a Reset?

It’s about that time.

On January 6, we start the next 28 Day Reset. I am so excited! I love getting to do my group coaching programs. The energy in the group is always so encouraging and contagious.

What is the 28 Day Reset?

It is a system to help you feel more energetic, sleep better, lose weight, and reduce inflammation.

Every part of your day is planned for you- breakfast,

The results are in: #stress can trigger #autoimmune #disease. In this week’s post, you’ll find the reasons stress and autoimmune disease are related.

You’ll also discover what tests to ask your doctor (or me) to run to look for metabolic markers of inflammation and precursors to possible autoimmune disease.

Finally, you’ll learn three easy ways to

Parties. Dinners. Celebrations.

Coffee. Sugar. Alcohol.

Will you shrivel up and die if you indulge in any of these?


What about if you #indulge in all of these?

Not likely.

If you have a #chronic #illness or an #autoimmune disease, it’s probable you are already restricting your diet. Heck, you

It isn’t easy to choose healthy options all of the time. Or even most of the time. Because I totally understand that, I want to share a resource with you!

Every month or so, I get to lecture at a different group- workplaces, women’s groups, business lunches, or church groups. I love it- it is so much fun to interact and teach and ask questions and listen to women’s (and men’s) health questions. I find that most people have the