Hi there. Thanks for being here today.

As a business owner, I have to talk about my offerings sometimes, though I would rather bore you with statistics, Steroid Hormone Cascades, and peer reviewed journal articles.

Yet you, my dear, are reading on. And

In my other life, I moonlight as the executive director of the Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Professionals. I am an FDN-P, and I get to mentor other FDN-P professionals. I love this job so much- it’s like coaching women through health issues, but from a different perspective.

Our team is incredible, and so are our grads. I love learning from them just as much as I love helping them. We do a lot of webinars and Facebook lives, and

Photo via Unsplash by Glenn Carstons-Peters

Most of us girls have had months or years where our periods have been a little…off. Every week I talk to women who have PMS, clotting, heavy flow, spotting, painful cramps, anovulatory cycles, and more.

Photo via Unsplash by Glenn Carstons-Peters


I just can’t get away from my low moods sometimes. I’m usually pretty happy, and in my mind I’m easygoing. At least, I think I used to be. Four kids, three jobs, thirty-eight years of life and loss and reality can really send one’s brain for a loop. Anyone relate?

Yet I have Jesus. My relationship with the Lord is very important to me, and I am not sure how anyone survives in this life without a dependence on Someone

Hi there!

Are you in need of some hormone help?

Maybe your period is out of whack. Maybe you’ve got 10 pounds that won’t budge no matter how clean you eat and how many LVL classes you attend each week.  Maybe you haven’t slept through the night for the last six months or six years.

Maybe your doctor has told you that nothing is wrong with you. And your lab work looks normal.

Or maybe you have diagnosed autoimmune, thyroid,